Servo Motor Controller

DC Servo Motor Controller
is used in the motor driving system for speed, position, and torque control. Assun's DC Servo Motor Controllers are compliant with various communication protocols. They are highly versatile and user-friendly, making them apt for processes that require intricate trajectories and rapid, accurate deceleration. Our proprietary interface makes it easy to control and manage specific parameters.
Company Name Abbreviation
Controller Type
CD | Speed Driver |
SO | Servo Controller |
Communciation Protocols
A | CAN Bus Control ((RS422, RS485, CAN, USB Commissioning) |
B |
Traditional Control (Direction+pulse, AB Pulse, Analogue Input Control, USB Commissioning) |
C |
EtherCat Bus Control (Include USB Commissioning) |
N |
No Communication |
R |
RS 485 Communication |
Current Level
15 | Rated Current (A) |
30 | Maximum Current (A) |
Voltage Level
L | 5V-24V |
M | 9V-70V |
N | 12V-48V |
Feedback Type
A |
Feedback support: Incremental encoder (differential or single end), SSI absolute encoder, RS 485 absolute encoder, Hall Sensor |
Operation Temperature
A | -40℃ - 85℃ |
B | -40℃ - 105℃ |
C | -40℃ - 125℃ |
S | Standard Installation |